Friday, March 18, 2011

Reality Check

I am turning into my mother. Growing up my mom had many a few pet peeves.  Two stand out in my mind, 1. not moving things around when looking for an item (i.e. opening the fridge, looking for something and saying 'i can't find it') and 2. finding empty boxes or items that have run out in the pantry without being notified.  This picture is an example of #2.  Besides my standby collection of gift bags to re-use, this photo captures an absence of the trash bag box.  This really annoys me, and now I know how mommy dearest felt all those years. No wire hangers!  Just kidding :)
If something runs out, let me know so I can replace it, or even better, replace it yourself.  Running out of trash bags is super-inconvenient.  I mean if there are no trash bags, then there is no where to put trash, no?  And I mean if you are going to take the time to remove the empty box, then you know they need to be replaced!  This is not rocket science.
Mom, sorry for all those years of leaving empty boxes of Oatmeal Cream Pies in the pantry.......

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