Saturday, March 5, 2011


When you are pregnant, every baby book has a section about child care.  It's a tough decision and many factors are weighed.  This can be an extremely controversial topic, so this is not meant to offend anyone.  Sooooo, I was at a birthday party today and spoke with a girl who I used to work with.  She has two children as well, her son just born in July.  When it came to the topic  of working, she shook her head when the topic of returning to work came up.  I'll cut to the point, she said, " I didn't have kids so someone else could raise them." Well guess what honey, I didn't either, but shit happens.  I really don't feel like going on a lengthy tirade (I do, but I won't) but just because I work and other people raise CARE FOR my children doesn't make me a bad person and/or mom.  In addition, I couldn't disagree more.  My husband and I raise our children, regardless of who is caring for them during working hours.  Now maybe I am reading into this and am sensitive about the fact that I work full time, but come on people times are tough and mortgages need to be paid and my daughter eats more than an adult orca!!!  However, whether you are in a position where you want to work but don't have to, don't want to work and don't have to, or don't want to work but have to, it's a personal decision and you do what is best for your family. So please, next time you are in the company of a woman who is not in your position (and by position I mean caring for your children full time or not), apply a verbal filter and have a swell day. 


  1. Do whatcha gotta do, and don't worry about what anyone else might think. It's YOUR family and you know what's best.

  2. Its a shame some people just dont have that "filter!" I am very impressed you didnt punch her out and this post isnt longer:) Love you--you are an amazing mommy!

  3. kris, you know it took everything for me not to lunge over the table and put her in a full nelson! But i didn't feel that was proper behavior for a 2 year old's birthday party.....
