Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why Re-Invent the Wheel: Crafts

I recently got this Paint Your Own Gnome kit at my favorite store, Target, of course.  Seriously, my love affair with that place is out of control.  This kit is only available in stores and it's only 5 smackers! I picked up one for my 2 1/2 year old niece as well.  My son and I painted this little friend, and when I say little I mean it.  I was all excited about it and the gnome is like 3 inches tall!  Oh well, it was still fun.  Maybe I should retract that, fun? He wanted to paint this little guy one way and I another.  He would start and I would frantically say "oh! why don't you let me help you with that.....' and snatch the little paintbrush before he could get a word in.  Ugh, I am so controlling.  I should have just let him go at it.  Oh well, in the end I did share the task with him and he looks pretty cute.  Plus, when I would add a little detail, my son would praise me for being such a good artist.  Ha. That's hilarious because stick people are hard for me to draw.  Another craft I picked up at Michaels the other day is a Makit & Bakit Suncatcher.  My sister and I made these like they were going out of style back in the 80's.  I can not wait to get started!  Needless to say, my son will not be invited.  I love him dearly, but if he mixes those little crystals I might faint.  

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