Monday, October 3, 2011


I made a pact with myself 5 years ago when I was pregnant with my son at this time of year.  I was assigned to Kiss 'N' Ride Duty at the school I was working at.  If you don't know what Kiss N Ride duty is it's a drop off line for kids who are transported to school by car.  It's usually a big cluster-you-know-what and it takes a few staff members to help it run smoothly.  I thoroughly enjoyed this duty, yelling at people to keep moving or, god forbid pass another car in line, out of turn.  Look out, I was like a Nazi.  Every day this mom would drive up in her SUV and talk on her cell phone, not even glancing at her child (or children, I can't remember).  I seethed at her every moment.  I wanted to scream at her, 'Hey! why don't you hang up your stupid phone and ask your kid how their day was?!"  And from that time on, I made a pact with myself, to NEVER be that mom.  Why am I taking the time to write this today? Because I was talking to my sister, who I love to death, but she is a talker!, in the line to pick up my son.  As it got closer to my turn (and his preschool does Kiss N Ride) I start to panic.  She keeps talking, I have no idea what she is saying, I start to sweat, I am going to break my pact, and the teachers are going to look at me like an as#*o!e mom who won't even hang up the phone to pick up her kid.  I  basically, frantically told her I had to go because I needed to get my son and hung up. AHH....I did not break my pact.  Of course, now I feel guilty about cutting my sister off, but she will forgive me when she reads this.  He hopped in the car and began telling me about his day.  I also am able to exchange greetings with his teacher, another important interaction.  But of course not to the point where I hold her up. I know way better than that, like the parent today who asked me in front of 7 other parents how her child behaves.  Really? Well, she is immature, stubborn and dependent on adults.....No, that was not the time to ask a teacher such a question.  However I professionally answered, "We will talk more about her progress at the conferences in November.  Or you can call me if you have concerns."
Getting back to the point, it is so important to ask your child how there day was, and really important of they can recall at least one thing about their day.  It connects you.  So, please put the phone down when you are picking up your child, give them a hug, ask them if they went to the paint center ;), it will make them feel oh so important.  TTFN!

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I wish people would stay off of the phone while they are driving altogether.
