Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bienvenue au printemps!

Well not quite yet, but only a few more days!  There is nothing more I love than getting outside with my family, opening the windows to let the fresh air in, and enjoying a crisp glass of wine on the patio on a warm evening.   I spent a lot of time this weekend getting my 'garden' ready for the new green sprouts to make their way into the world.  This is something you may not know about me, but I tend to my plants almost constantly starting this time of year.  I love to stand outside in the warm evening and water them, pretending like I actually know what I am doing.  I also encourage my son to help me in the garden so he can appreciate the life cycle of plants and caring for personal belongings (responsibility, see Heigh Ho Heigh Ho).

When my grandmother moved from her home in Havertown, PA to an apartment in Wayne, she gave my parents some of her irises.  Some were then given to me when we bought our house and I now have numerous plants that bloom, gorgeous purple flowers every spring.   So it means a lot to me to take care of them.  When we move from our current home, I plan to take a few with me and keep the traditional alive.  I also love my hydrangea plants that were given to me on mother's day two years on a a row.  They will be going with me as well!

At every change of the season I like to look around for home decor to match.  I mean I don't go crazy and buy matching throw pillows and hand towels, however I do pick up little pieces, like the one picture above, to place sparingly around the house.  This is one I just found at my local Home Goods, which I check our regularly for just about anything to decorate my house.  I love this piece because it is a bit primitive being that is is a sampler (a handstitched piece of embroidery used to demonstrate skill in needlework), but the robin egg blue frame brightens up the traditional brown or black.  I also have a hard time finding Spring decor that is not 'Eastery,' and there are no bunnies or easter eggs in sight on this one!  The ribbon flowers and pearl and button centers are so perfect; a big warm welcome to Spring...............


  1. That's why i got married on the first day of spring...a real new beginning :-)

  2. I got married that day too!
